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We know what counts. Your satisfaction

Long-term safety

Thanks to the Altendorf warranty extension from 1 to 5 years*

With our extended warranty you acquire an all-round carefree package. It extends the scope of the Altendorf factory guarantee from one year to 5 years. Should there be a malfunction on your machine, we will fix it in the usual, quick and uncomplicated manner directly at your site.

We carry out the Inspect Service on your machine once a year so that you always get perfect cutting results and thereby avoid any downtime. The extended warranty includes all required replacement parts, only consumables such as oils and wear parts such as ball bearings are not included. Make the most of the 5-year all-round carefree package.

We are currently offering this at a flat rate of € 3,500.00 plus VAT for Altendorf sliding table saws only.

For Altendorf edgebanding machines only on specific request, as the price has to be calculated based on the units installed.

*Applies only to the F 45

  • Contact
  • Extend warranty now
Do you have any questions about our extended warranty? Then contact our Service department or use our form to apply for your warranty extension for your Altendorf machine.
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Warranty extension

Further information can be found in the data protection provisions.
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