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We know what counts. myALTENDORFGROUP

Your best service - Simple. Faster. Always.

myALTENDORFGROUP – is your new service app! It can do almost everything and is incredibly easy to use. An innovative tool that makes your work easier and helps you save time.

Its range of functions is huge: With myALTENDORFGROUP you have, among other things, direct contact with ALTENDORF and HEBROCK service and sales, enjoy live support in real time and always keep an eye on your maintenance and service history. You can also access documentation tailored to your needs and professional training videos. Anytime, anywhere, immediately.

The most important functions at your fingertips!

All with one app! Access all the important information about your ALTENDORF and HEBROCK machine: documentation, training videos, information on the maintenance status as well as all maintenance and service activities.

Machine documentation

Quick access to all relevant facts about your configured ALTENDORF and HEBROCK machine, compiled individually for you.

Training videos


Our training videos willalways keep you up to date with the latest developments. New features available in the machines? Of course, you will always well informed about them!



Maintenance & Service Activities

When was the last maintenance? When is the next one due? Have you ever discussed a problem with our service? Everything is clearly documented.

Order spare parts directly

Do you need a spare part urgently? Nothing could be easier. In the myALTENDORFGROUP spare parts shop, you can order conveniently the item you need.


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Efficient maintenance status management

Regular maintenance increases the service life of machines, reduces repair costs, lowers failure rates and ensures a high level of safety.

With the myALTENDORFGROUP app, you can plan your maintenance more effectively and keep track of all important dates in advance.



Central interface for everything

The myALTENDORFGROUP app is your central communication channel to the ALTENDORF Group.

Here we bundle all important information, contact options and digital offers, which we update regularly.

Quick contact

Do you have an important request or an urgent spare parts enquiry?

Get in touch with us via chat. We will answer quickly. At the latest, however, after 4 hours. You can also reach us by phone via the app. In addition to chat support, we also offer video support. This allows you to show us a problem via live video.

Individual machine documentation

More than standard solutions. ALTENDORF and HEBROCK machines are tailored individually to your special requirements, wishes and ideas.

All the important details of your customised configuration can be seen at a glance in the “Machine documentation” area.

Professional training videos

You never stop learning. Especially as a craftsman, you are always faced with new, exciting challenges. Our training videos undergo regular digital upgrades and always aim to bring your knowledge up to date – or even expand it. New machine functions, practical solutions to problems – the myALTENDORFGROUP app presents you with a wide variety of explanatory videos.

Documented maintenance and service activities

Which maintenance appointments are due? When were which spare parts replaced?

How often has the service department already been contacted? If you take the topic of “maintenance” very seriously, you have to remember a lot of things. Or fall back on a reliable tool that clearly documents all data. The myALTENDORFGROUP app does it for you. In no time at all.

Extensive service history

Transparency is important to us. So is trust. The app lists the most important communication processes between you and us. In this way, you can record in detail whether and when a certain problem has already occurred on the machine and how it was solved. The service history shows you in black and white!

Quick spare parts ordering

Do you still have questions about a specific spare part? Or do you want to order your spare part as quickly as possible without too much effort? myALTENDORFGROUP assists you with this. With just a few clicks, you can get all the important information about your desired item and order it conveniently in the spare parts shop.

All functions at a glance

Central interface for everything

The myALTENDORFGROUP app is your central communication channel to the ALTENDORF Group.

Here we bundle all important information, contact options and digital offers, which we update regularly.


Quick contact

Do you have an important request or an urgent spare parts enquiry?

Get in touch with us via chat. We will answer quickly. At the latest, however, after 4 hours. You can also reach us by phone via the app. In addition to chat support, we also offer video support. This allows you to show us a problem via live video.


Individual machine documentation

More than standard solutions. ALTENDORF and HEBROCK machines are tailored individually to your special requirements, wishes and ideas.

All the important details of your customised configuration can be seen at a glance in the “Machine documentation” area.


Professional training videos

You never stop learning. Especially as a craftsman, you are always faced with new, exciting challenges. Our training videos undergo regular digital upgrades and always aim to bring your knowledge up to date – or even expand it. New machine functions, practical solutions to problems – the myALTENDORFGROUP app presents you with a wide variety of explanatory videos.

Documented maintenance and service activities

Which maintenance appointments are due? When were which spare parts replaced?

How often has the service department already been contacted? If you take the topic of “maintenance” very seriously, you have to remember a lot of things. Or fall back on a reliable tool that clearly documents all data. The myALTENDORFGROUP app does it for you. In no time at all.


Extensive service history

Transparency is important to us. So is trust. The app lists the most important communication processes between you and us. In this way, you can record in detail whether and when a certain problem has already occurred on the machine and how it was solved. The service history shows you in black and white!

Quick spare parts ordering

Do you still have questions about a specific spare part? Or do you want to order your spare part as quickly as possible without too much effort? myALTENDORFGROUP assists you with this. With just a few clicks, you can get all the important information about your desired item and order it conveniently in the spare parts shop.

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